
Being summoned to participate in an Inquest into the death of a person can be a daunting and somewhat emotive prospect for all involved.  The nature of such an investigation can lead to considerable scrutiny of an organisation and its involvement with the deceased in a very public forum.


We provide expert legal representation to our clients who find themselves having to deal with an Inquest; and by embracing the ABS model, we can go further by offering hands-on support throughout the entire process.


We work proactively with our clients in preparing for an Inquest and our goal is to relieve the burden of a process that can be administratively intensive and damaging to staff wellbeing and morale.  We achieve this by undertaking the administrative process on our clients’ behalf, allowing them to maintain a business-as-usual position, reducing the risk of reputational damage and preserving positive stakeholder relationships.


In addition, we provide specialist support to staff called to give evidence.  Our personable approach can deliver anything from assistance in preparing a witness statement, to one to one sessions geared towards answering questions and concerns about the process.

Contact us today


Hulse Yazdi Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 9057743.

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with SRA number 625170


0161 452 3794